How to make people experience migration through food?
Human beings have been migrating since the beginning of time. And with the humans so has our food. The majority of what is considered typical Finnish food is actually immigrant.
‘A couple of little things’ is an eating experience dealing with the tension between the feeling of being lost and the warmth of belonging. We all build an identity around us which we feel connected to and that resonates who we are and want to be. Sometimes we might get dislocated or disconnected and feel insecure. Food can carry identity and belonging but it can also disrupt and confuse. ‘A couple of little things’ is a small sensorial journey exploring the sensitive expression of human kindness.
In a time where many people are on the run, the feeling of dislocation and being lost is not a rare sentiment. We all sometimes feel lost and insecure. Out of place or simply out of tune with our surroundings.

Petri Hautakangas visitorDear Marije, you brought me back to my childhood tonight. I was in my mother’s womb – I heard the soothing music and saw fuzzy light through my mother’s skin. The food was my mother’s gentle caress The food massaged my soul ever so gently – Like only mother can. I felt whole.
Olo restaurant is connected to the Swedish embassy. On the Swedish wall there is an artwork dedicated to the Finnish children who were adopted by Swedish people to keep them safe during world war 2.
Based on this story, Marije Vogelzang created an experience that is linking to our current time. More than ever we have to trust whilst being scared. We have to connect and hold on while we feel ripped apart and we have to create space and time for lost souls.
The experience is a subtle, multi sensorial ritual that touches our inner child. Combining flavours with words, sound and touch the experience gives the visitor a space to reflect on perception and what it is that makes us human.
A couple of little things
Created for:
Food Camp Finland
Olo Restaurant, Helsinki.