Audio experience beloning to the chapter PHONE EATS FIRST of my book Lick it.

Where shall we send it?

With this audio experience, you will:

Have fun experiencing something simple as drinking water in a different way

You will experience the effect of different sounds on the way you experience water.

See for yourself how you can change taste in a very simple way

Once you experience the effect on sound on the way you perceive something as simple as water you’ll understand that the experience of eating is subjective.

Get a cool audio experience to impress your friends

Serving water and audio is the cheapest way to entertain your friend in a sophisticated way.

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Who needs to get their hands on this?

You can’t afford to miss this if…

  • You are reading my book Lick it and want to do all the challenges.
  • You are curious and open minded
  • You love turning basic food into something exciting and interesting!
  • You are interested in how sounds can influence flavour perception
  • You’re looking for a way to get your kids appreciate water a bit more
  • You are interested in synesthesia

Get the free download today!